Responsive Website Design

A business website is your central marketing point for all marketing materials. It’s the place you own and control, where you can provide as much information as customers and potential customers need to make a decision. It’s where people find you through search engines. No other marketing channel is as cost effective.
A website allows you to advertise with teaser information with a link to more information. A website can prequalify your prospects, can get them primed for your pitch, can make them comfortable with who you are and what you do or sell. A website allows you to tell your story without pressure, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. No other marketing tool is as powerful and effective.
Most people look for a website to learn about your business before they ever contact you. They use their computers, tablets, and smartphones. If you don’t have a website, or have an ineffective website that doesn’t work on all devices, you’ve lost them before you even knew they were interested. The days of websites being optional, or non-mobile websites being “good enough” are long gone. All other advertising is a waste without this tool.
What does Responsive Website Design Mean?
Responsive Website Design means your website will adjust its layout for whatever device the visitor is using. If it’s a computer, the website will show full width. On a tablet, it will compress to the width of the tablet while keeping the text large enough to read and images placed attractively. On a much smaller screen, like a smartphone, your website will compress to a single column for the best readibility.
I plan, create, and build beautiful websites using the latest technologies and responsive design techniques so your customers will have a consistent experience anywhere and everywhere they access your website, on smartphones, tablets, and computers.
I have over twenty years of web design and development experience. I also have an extensive marketing background that includes ongoing study of the psychology and trends of web design, so the websites I create are not just pretty, they’re highly effective. I don’t care about awards or kudos for design for design sake. I care about your website getting more customers, spending more money, more often. My websites are not an expense, they are an investment, with real returns.
Almost anyone can create a pretty website these days. Pretty does not equal productive. I create websites that engage your audience, increase sales, and make a lasting impression with a professional design specifically for your business and your customers. I plan, create and build beautiful websites using the latest technologies that help drive growth and improve visibility. Using responsive design, your customers will have a consistent experience anywhere and everywhere they access your website, on smartphones, tablets, and computers.
Keep your website content updated with the latest information, photos, and text about your products and services using an easy-to-use content management system (CMS). With a CMS, you’ll be able to login to your website and make changes from any computer without any technical knowledge.
Sell your products and services online using our secure and flexible eCommerce solution. Whether you want to sell one or hundreds of products, we can help you integrate the perfect shopping cart solution to grow your business online.
Getting found online takes more than a beautiful website. Search engines use over 400 specific factors to rank websites for each search term used by your customers. I will optimize your website for Google, Bing, and other search engines.
I have over 20 years of experience in online marketing, website design and development, and graphic design. I have lived on Kauai for over 7 years. I am your neighbor, active in our community, and I believe helping local businesses grow helps Kauai become a better place. I worked for two years to help found the Kauai nonprofit, Keiki to Career Kauai, and served for two years on the Board of the Kauai Independent Food Bank. I am a Board member and Membership Chair for the Kauai Filipino Chamber of Commerce. I am a member of the Kauai Chamber of Commerce, and I serve on the PR Committee of the Kauai United Way. I have volunteered with the Kauai Planning and Action Alliance, Mālama Hulē‘ia, Kauai Community Players, and others, as well as provided free social media training for dozens of local nonprofits.
My focus is to build strong, positive relationships with Kauai clients, not on getting as much work as I can from anywhere I can. Your project won’t get bumped by larger projects, or lost among projects from other islands or the mainland. When you succeed, Kauai succeeds, and that is my mission.
I have two ways for us to start to work together. The first is to simply contact me to set up a time to meet and discuss your needs. The second, if you have a website currently, is to start with a Website Analysis.
Existing Website? Start with a Social Kauai Website Analysis
It’s hard to determine where to go without knowing where you’re starting. The best way to get started thinking about a new website is with our Website Analysis.
Website Analysis and Recommendations: This full site audit includes performance optimization testing with recommendations, suggestions for functionality and usability, investigation of problems and potential problems, all from an expert outside view. I subscribe to several very expensive software packages that allow me to dig deep and provide important recommendations based on current data.
Click here for more information on the Social Kauai Website Analysis.
Managed WordPress Website Hosting
The WordPress website platform powers more than 25% of all websites. A key benefit of WordPress is their ongoing updates for browser changes, security, and speed. WordPress also uses a theme structure and modular software named plugins for added functionality. These, too, are regularly updated. Managed Hosting is not only hosting a server location for a website, it’s maintaining the website’s updates and security.
Click here to learn more about Managed WordPress Website Hosting.